home rules
Adopted by the Constitutive General Assembly of 20 September 2018
The GO > EAST BUSINESS CLUB is a private club founded in 2018 by Michel Soyer and Elisabeth Visoanska, who both assume its presidence, and which activity is the promotion of the cultural and business relations with eastern Europa, Russia, Eurasia, China, Japan and all concerned countries.
New Members : all sollicitation on a written form, must be sponsored by two association members, the sollicitor must be personnaly known by his sponsors, and be accepted by the Presidence.
The two sponsors are responsible of the behaviour of the new members who they introduce.
The sollicitations are examined by the Presidence, evaluated on their qualities, professionnal and social reputation, committment in the Club activities.
The Entry Right is paid in a sole payment, the cotisation is valuable 12 months from the date of the acceptation of the Member.
The quality of Member starts yearly at the date of the cotisation payment. The Comex can decide not to reniew a membership, without having to justify its decision.
In case of demission the request has to be sent writing to the Presidence.
The Entry rights and yearly cotisations are not refundable.
The exclusion or the non-renewal of a Member can be prononced by the Presidence for serious motivations such as the reccurrent non-participation in the Club’s activities, the non-payment of the costisation, of the Rights and of the participation costs to Club activities, and against any action that may create projudice to the activities, to the Members and their reputation, the non-respect of the dress-code.
The Members commit themselves to act with respect, honour and right behaviour towards other Members, especially in their business relations.
Non-Members may be invited 3 times maximum to Club, under President’s acceptance
The Club is directed by its COMEX (Executive Committee), nominated by the Presidence The Founding Members cannot be moved.
The alteration of this Home Rules and the amount of the cotisations and rights are under the decision of the Founding members
The Club will take agreement with other Clubs outside France, international Clubs with complementary activities for the benefit of the Club Members.
The Club also will have representations in various cities and countries.
Elisabeth Visoanska et Michel Soyer,